Expert Series

Krav Maga Street Defense Washington

Black Belt First Degree

Expert all rotations combined

Preemptive Striking

If the opponent is not yet ready to fight: bring strong weapons forward (pre-fight position), distance below one and a half arm lengths to then set the first strike (straight or hook)

From Fighting Stance position (combat position): approach opponent, both arms are up (left side obscures the right), strike directly to the nose.

The opponent is in combat position: arms block (eg both arms and block at elbow or one arm and angle out into the blind spot) then attack with fists

With two opponents in front of you, Side hammer to first opponent turning their profile then punch second attacker.

Preemptive snap kick to groin or under chin

Preemptive front kick to abdomen on chest

Attacks with knife

Defend with Scissor movement all angles + Disarm

Attacks with knife while on ground defense.

Sideways or in guard:

shrimp, lower knee inwards, step away, get up


120 degree blocking and at the same time, grab clothes and Reverse opponent

Principle: always work with the hip first (shrimp or umpa),


Defend the choke Before it is closed:

Before it is completely closed: turn to the arm, both hands go to the elbow (little fingers touch), then pull up elbows, continue with genitals / head

Closed Choke:

Place hooks in inner elbow to relieve pressure then step behind takedown. Move to side control breaking lock with cross-face and follow up striking

Complete Firearms

Short weapon (repetition): upper area set up and not set up from the front, lower area around the body

Kneeling with and without contact from the front: fastest gun disarming

kneeling beside the head:

Similar to standing

Kneeling behind the head:

reach for the pressure point (right-handed person with right hand, head out of the firing range, Bring the weapon forward, support with the left and drop forwards, then turn on the back, aim the weapon at the attacker, get up

Lying on your stomach:

Opponent sitting on me, weapon on the back of his head: grip weapon at pressure point, at the same time put on knee, throw attacker over one shoulder

lying on your back opponent sits on me, weapon re hand:

Knife and Stick fight

Knife on Knife fighting

Positioning normal: Knife tip points to the left shoulder, this ensures the protection of the body in the upper and lower area, the other hand is up around the neck to protect

Ice pick grip:  for several opponents or to use for hooking attacks.

Stick on Stick

Principles.  Defang the snake counters.  Attack bony structure, such as wrist, not muscle and follow ups.

Fight several opponents

Video Section Advanced and Expert clips with no sound.

Prevent the Choke

Detect the bar arm or rear naked choke before attacker joins hand together.  Begin to rotate the direction of elbow and pinning attackers arm to your chest using your weight to lower his attacking arm. Turn in square and rotate his elbow out in front of his body center line locking his shoulder.  Follow up strikes as shown.

Oppoinet standing over hips Heel Hook

Groin Strike, manipulate the leg you attack with your hand followed with capture heel hook position. Force opponent chest down position with heal hook leg lock, finishing with kneeling position.

Standing close to legs

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Two hand Choke From Mount

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Triangle from shoulder lock

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Two Hand choke from the side

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Standing over one leg

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

One arm choke from guard

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Knife Same side mounted

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Escape Guard with shrimp + strikes

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Rear body lock to inverted heal hook

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Opponent standing over head

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Knife cross side while mounted

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

One arm shirt grab with detainment

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

One hand shirt grab, upward strike ver.

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Pistol front of head kneeling

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Pistol back of head kneeling

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Standing rear naked choke defense

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Standing Headlock Defense with rear trip

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Kick to side of head

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Knife Defense Entry

Two hand frame deflecting the attack and attacking opponents neck with blade of your forearm.

Wrap and control attackers arm, possibly at elbow area.


Use push pull force with arm at neck and arm .

Krav Maga Advanced

 Advanced Rotations 1,2 and 3 is for Purple Belt and Higher to Train in for rank advancements.  These are Phase 2 Rotations

New Paragraph

Advanced Rotations  (not complete)

Attacker Standing Over You

In front of Feet

Single leg scissor takedown

Attacker with one leg between legs

Heal hook takedown. go to one knee, break

Standing over you with both legs

Groin strike + heal hook takedown

Attacker stands at thigh hip level bent knee. Kick his leg away

Attacker stands head high vs block leg forearm post and takedown

Attacker standing behind your head vs trap legs, shoulder roll scissor takedown

Attacker Kicks Head, block with stretched arm , post and takedown

Stick and Knife Fighting Techniques

Three angles of entry with knife or stick

slashes and stabs in combination and free form movement.

Defense against stick 45 degree swing

spear inside, locking up arm + knees and disarm

Knife Threat from behind on side of neck

Slide with two hand grip, step under arm and out controlling the knife handle

Knife Downward Ice Pick Strikes

track and redirect


Pistol back of arm left

Turn Inward locking arm + elbow and disarm

Pistol to back of arm right

Rotate, one arm in and check at elbow disarm

Gun In front of the arm Left side

Over the finger disarm

Gun in front of arm right side

Over the Finger

Ground Technique and Combat




Arm bar from guard

Triangle from guard

Side Control reversal 180 over opponent

Choked from the side vs Arm Bar

Wedge shin in breaking choke grip +arm-bar

Knife Threat to same side neck on ground

Pin and reverse keeping shoulder pressure during disarm

Choked from the inside guard
Pin and double arm-bar

Choked while mounted

Single hand pluck + reversal

Core Techniques

Fighting From the ground with kicks including round kicks and side kicks

Side control with knee attacks

Side control striking to farside armbar


Forward Roll. (Right and Left Shoulder)
Reverse Roll with Burst
Break Fall Backward

Break Fall to the Side

Knife threat on the gound

From the side

Arm-bar/Roll Away/Kick Away

Mounted, knife to same side neck

Pin and reverse keeping shoulder pressure during disarm

Mounted, knife to cross side of neck

Knife diagonal:

push knife into the elbow, hold tight with fork grip, hip upwards. Bring the knife directly to the opponent on the chest (hurt with his own knife)

Strikes and Combinations


Over hand right punch

left upper cut

Right upper cut

Crescent Kicks

Hook Kicks

Spining #3 elbow

Foot jab

Switch step round kicks


Lead upper cut -straight right

Round Kick

Jab cross spinning elbow

Foot jab round kick

Attacker Standing Over You

In front of Feet

Single leg scissor takedown

Attacker with one leg between legs

Heal hook takedown. go to one knee, break

Standing over you with both legs

Groin strike + heal hook takedown

Attacker stands at thigh hip level bent knee. Kick his leg away

Attacker stands head high vs block leg forearm post and takedown

Attacker standing behind your head vs trap legs, shoulder roll scissor takedown

Attacker Kicks Head, block with stretched arm , post and takedown

Threats with Knife

From the side, knife to the throat or the far side: similar to choking from the side


From the side, knife on the side 

From the back, knife on the side of the neck (eg knife in the right hand on the left side of the neck):

position the arms, palms pointing towards the attacker, slide along the forearm with the other hand, left on the right (100%), close the gap at the neck, step back, Turn outwards, control the knife handle

From behind to the throat:

with the opposite hand on the back of the hand (knife handle), with the other to the genitals

Firearms Lower Body

New Paragraph


Core Rotation One

Core Curriculum Self Defense Including Basic Striking Techniques and Combinations

Defense against hand Grabs

Same Side Straight Grab
Present the elbow 

Cross Grab Thumb Up

Thumb over present elbow Core

Cross Grab Thumb Sideways

Roll out, check at elbow Core

Two hands on one from the side
Support hand grip, drop elbow on chest

Two hands held high

Split release

Two hands held low

Thumbs out to side release

Cross grab

Hitchhike out release

Defense against clothing holds

One or two arms clothing grab

Pin and frame + groin kick

One or two arm clothing grab (aggressive)

Slap face and elbow drop inner arm + strike to head with elbow

One arm straight or bent (aggressive)
pin wrist and backhand to groin - Follow up with strikes.

Choke defenses

Two hand choke From Front

Elbow over +strikes  Core

Alt, spear arm and leverage on wrist with sharp rotations

Choke From the back

Elbow over trap + straight punch Core

Single hand choke

Plucking + palm heal strike

Choke from Side

Pin + groin strike Core

Bear Hug Defense + Gun and Knife

From the front arms trapped with space

post on hips and groin kicks

From the front arms trapped no space

groin back hand strike making space

From Behind arms free

Rotating elbows to face

Core Knife and Gun Threats

Knife to the neck, your hands up

pin knife had while dropping palm strike + disarm

Knife to the neck same side hands down

Two hand control on knife + groin kick + disarm

Knife threat present in front of you

Inside deflection + simultaneous side kick + escape

Gun to face or upper chest

Over the thumb disarm

Gun to face or chest area

Off the finger disarm

Ground Defense and Combat

Guard Reversal holding Wrist

(Scissor Sweep)

Knees together Guard Sweep (counter to opponent basing)

Reverse Figure 4 from guard

Reverse Figure 4 defense

Hook at your thigh area

Hip Bump Reversal from guard

Strike and get to feet

Defend two hand choke from the mount

pin forearms and reversal

Closed guard escape combat

shrimp escape + wedging + strikes  Core

Technical lift getting to your feet Core

Upward kicks from your back Core

On your back mobility  Core

Guard passing combat Core



Straight Left

Straight Right

Left Hook

Right Hook

Elbows 1-7

Hammer Strikes forward and Downward

Hammer Strikes to side All Directions


Kicks and Knees

Upward Knee

Round Knee

Round Kicks

Defensive Front Kick

Upward Front Kick

Side Kick

Back Kick 


Striking Combinations

Jab - Cross

Jab Cross Hook

Cover- Cross- hook

Slip left -left hook -straight right

Straight Right -Left Hook -Straight Right

Cover Right -Left hook-Straight Right

Right Hook -Left Hook - Straight Right

Straight Right to body -Left Hook -Right hook

*add upward kicks combinations
*add knees and kicks to hammer strikes

Punches and Elbows

Jab - Elbow #1

Jab -Cross - Elbow #1 #6

Shadow boxing

Movement in all directions with core striking techniques

360 Blocking with 120 degree angle

Inside deflection with counter strike to head and or groin

Shielding Left and Right side with counter strikes.

Krav Maga Street Defense

Core Curriculum Rotation One Full Page View

Self Defense Encounters

Defense against hand grabs

Same Side Straight Grab vs present the elbow  Core

Cross Grab vs Thumb over present elbow Core

Cross Grab thumb sideways vs roll out, check at elbow Core

Two hands on one from the side vs Two hand roll out drop elbow on chest

Two hands held high vs split release

Tow hands held low vs thumbs out to side release

Cross grab vs hitchhike out release

Defense against clothing holds

One or two arms clothing grab vs pin and frame + groin kick

One or two arm clothing grab (aggressive) vs Slap face and elbow drop

One arm straight or bent (aggressive) vs pin wrist and backhand to groin

Choke Defense

Two hand choke From Front vs Elbow over +strikes  Core

Alt, spear arm and leverage on wrist with sharp rotations

Choke From the back vs Elbow over trap + straight punch Core
Single hand choke vs plucking + palm heal strike

Choke from Side vs Pin + groin strike Core

Bear Hugs

From the front arms trapped with space vs post on hips and groin kicks

From the front arms trapped no space vs groin back hand strike making space

From Behind arms free vs rotating elbows to face

Ground Techniques and Combat

Guard Reversal holding Wrist (Scissor Sweep)

Knees together Sit up Sweep (counter to opponent basing)

Reverse Figure 4 from guard

Reverse Figure 4 defense, hook at your thigh area

Hip Bump Reversal from guard

Defend two hand choke from the mount. pin forearms and reversal

Closed guard escape combat, shrimp escape + wedging + strikes  Core

Technical lift getting to your feet Core

Upward kicks from your back. Core

On your back mobility  Core

Guard passing combat. Core

Push Defense

Inside Deflection



Straight Left

Straight Right

Left Hook

Right Hook

Elbows 1-7

Hammer Strikes forward and Downward

Hammer Strikes to side All Directions


Kicks and Knees

Upward Knee

Round Knee

Round Kicks

Defensive Front Kick

Upward Front Kick

Side Kick

Back Kick 


Striking Combinations

Jab - Cross

Jab Cross Hook

Cover- Cross- hook

Slip left -left hook -straight right

Straight Right -Left Hook -Straight Right

Cover Right -Left hook-Straight Right

Right Hook -Left Hook - Straight Right

Straight Right to body -Left Hook -Right hook

*add upward kicks combinations
*add knees and kicks to hammer strikes

Punches and Elbows

Jab - Elbow #1

Jab -Cross - Elbow #1 #6

Shadow boxing

Movement in all directions with core striking techniques

360 Blocking with 120 degree angle

Inside deflection with counter strike to head and or groin

Shielding with counter strikes


Self Defense Encounters

Defense Against Hand Grabs

Same Side Straight Grab vs present the elbow  Core

Cross Grab vs Thumb over present elbow Core

Cross Grab thumb sideways vs roll out, check at elbow Core

Two Hands Low vs 5 finger cross grip release

Two Hands High vs.5 finger cross grip + standing arm bar 

Pull Two Hands from Behind vs Back Kick Escape

Hair grabs form the sides

Clothing or Lapel Grabs

One arm grab, bent or straight non - aggressive vs Pin wrist + strike to Adams Apple

Both arms bent aggressive, thumbs under nose tilting head back + strikes

Choke Defenses

Choke from front against the wall 

Choke from back against the wall

One hand choke vs drop elbow

Bear Hugs

From the Back arms free vs Leverage on Finger - alt- elbows

From the Front arms free vs hands to face or leverage on face

Ground Technique

Mount escape with shrimping

Mount escape with body lock
Mount escape Trap and Roll

Side Control Frame Inside -Guard replacement

Side Control arm around neck bridge reversal

Fight from side control arm posted in front of neck -  create space and kick

Fight from side control arm around neck, clamp down eye and face attacks then kicks

Closed guard escape combat, shrimp escape + wedging + strike Core

Technical lift getting to your feet Core

Upward kicks from your back. Core

On your back mobility  Core

Guard passing combat. Core



Straight Left

Straight Right

Left Hook

Right Hook

Elbows 1-7

Hammer Strikes forward and Downward

Hammer Strikes to side All Directions


Kicks and Knees

Upward Knee

Round Knee

Round Kicks

Defensive Front Kick

Upward Front Kick

Side Kick

Back Kick 


Striking Combinations

Jab - Cross

Jab Cross Hook

Cover- Cross- hook

Slip left -left hook -straight right

Straight Right -Left Hook -Straight Right

Cover Right -Left hook-Straight Right

Right Hook -Left Hook - Straight Right

Straight Right to body -Left Hook -Right hook

*add upward kicks combinations
*add knees and kicks to hammer strikes

Punches and Elbows

Jab - Elbow #1

Jab -Cross - Elbow #1 #6

Shadow boxing

Movement in all directions with core striking techniques

360 Blocking with 120 degree angle

Inside deflection with counter strike to head and or groin

Shielding Left and right with counter strikes


Self Defense Encounters

Defense Against Grabs

Same Side Straight Grab vs present the elbow  Core

Cross Grab vs Thumb over present elbow Core

Cross Grab thumb sideways vs roll out, check at elbow Core

Two hands behind back elbow over -turn in

Tow hands on one - Thumb escape pull

Cross grip - thumb direction

Cross Grab walking Past

Straight grab -Thumb direction pull

Hair grab from the front

Clothing or Lapel Grabs

One Arm Bent, aggressive vs Bend at elbow and shock blow to nose

One or two From behind vs cover face with forearm turning in to attacker

Two hand Choke from Back vs plucking
Two hand Choke from Back vs elbow over top

Two hand choke From Front vs two-hand pluck + kick

Bar Arm Defenses

Bear Hugs

Bear Hug from the Back Arms Trapped

Groin Strikes + Turn in with Strikes

Arms Hight - Drop Elbow over Arm + Elbows and follow ups

With Pick up

Ground Technique and Fighting
Scarf-hold Excape

  1. Frame and shrimp escape
  2. Drive forward to figure 4
  3. Hook leg and reverse
  4. Scissor lock over head

Head lock defense, post and reverse to side control

Modified Scarf-hold defense reversal

Closed guard escape combat, shrimp escape + wedging + strikes  Core

Technical lift getting to your feet Core

Upward kicks from your back. Core

On your back mobility  Core

Guard passing combat. Core




Straight Left

Straight Right

Left Hook

Right Hook

Elbows 1-7

Hammer Strikes forward and Downward

Hammer Strikes to side All Directions


Kicks and Knees

Upward Knee

Round Knee

Round Kicks

Defensive Front Kick

Upward Front Kick

Side Kick

Back Kick 


Striking Combinations

Jab - Cross

Jab Cross Hook

Cover- Cross- hook

Slip left -left hook -straight right

Straight Right -Left Hook -Straight Right

Cover Right -Left hook-Straight Right

Right Hook -Left Hook - Straight Right

Straight Right to body -Left Hook -Right hook

*add upward kicks combinations
*add knees and kicks to hammer strikes

Punches and Elbows

Jab - Elbow #1

Jab -Cross - Elbow #1 #6

Shadow boxing

Movement in all directions with core striking techniques

360 Blocking with 120 degree angle

Inside deflection with counter strike to head and or groin

Shielding with counter strikes

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